"When will it be spring???" More cold and snowy weather is forecast for this weekend here in Chicago, but there are some buds showing in the maple trees, and the lawn looks a little less brown. The tulips wish that they could go back down and wait a week, but at least there is a HINT of spring in the air.
It must be spring in other places though, because the gardening questions are begining to appear on places like "Yahoo Answers" and others. It is surprising how sustainable gardening is, and how many people take part each year. The Garden Writers Association of America is saying that as "Boomers" age more and more people are taking up gardening as a pastime. It makes sense to me.
Some perennial questions starting to show up on the web are:
"Should I worry about planting grass after I have applied Weed and Feed?" - Yes...You have to wait for the herbicide to dissapate from the soil, and besides, fall is a much better time to plant grass seed than in the spring.
"How do I control Moles in my lawn?" - It's a process not an event. Many garden experts will tell you that moles mean you have grubs in your lawn. You may indeed have grubs, but moles feed on earthworms as the main part of their diet. If you have moles you probably have a good healthy population of earthworms, so expensive grub control products may not eliminate them. Try a repellent on your lawn to make the moles go somewhere else. Most repellents are castor bean meal and create an "Unfriendly" environment for moles. By the way, moles are very territorial, so you probably only have 1-3 moles in your 10,000 Sq Ft. lawn.
There's a lot of work to do out in the garden. Hopefully you will use this site to ask your questions and get some straight talk answers. Gardening is fun, but it's not always easy. I think I can help with the rough spots so you can really enjoy the summer.
Happy Gardening
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